Horror Games

Usually, we don’t really like being scared. Some eerie sounds and scary creatures can make us scream and do absolutely reckless things. However, with time some people begin to get used to such feelings and enjoy them. The adrenalin you receive from searching dark and creepy places is surely addictive.

So, Horror games are popular for a reason. They can often frighten you with a terrifying atmosphere, horrible monsters and uneasy soundtrack. Combined, these things will likely make you stay alert all the time.

The most extensive and exciting projects often belong to the survival horrors. In such a game you should stay alive under very difficult conditions. You can be chased by atrocious monsters or constantly haunted by sudden screamers. What is more frightening is that sometimes you don’t even have a weapon to defend yourself. So, try to be sneaky and avoid danger.

As for the other categories, they can be quite diverse. There are Horror games where you need not only to watch your back, but also to solve elaborate riddles. Can you concentrate on a brain teaser when the enemy is wandering somewhere nearby? In any case, you should definitely check out a game like that and test your logical skills.